Unlocking the Potential of Relocatable Homes With Houses On The Move.

In a world where sustainability and eco-consciousness matter more than ever, Houses On The Move is leading the way by giving homes a second chance. Instead of demolishing sound houses, we relocate them to new locations, making a significant impact on the environment by reducing construction waste.

Houses On The Move offers a unique opportunity for achievable home ownership and lucrative rental investments. Their relocatable homes provide an affordable option for aspiring homeowners, easing the financial burden of property ownership without compromising on quality. Investors also find exciting prospects with relocatable homes. Placing these homes in high-demand rental markets allows for attractive returns on investment, while the flexibility of moving them to different locations adapts to ever-changing market dynamics.

The images below takes you through the process of transforming a relocatable home from pick-up to a beautifully finished dwelling. The possibilities are endless with these homes, whether it's a family in need of more space or an entrepreneur seeking smart investments.


On the move

Work in progress

Finished Product

Please ask any questions you may have about relocatable homes and development

Houses On The Move